Monday, March 25, 2013

Helping Hand - Judi Graff

You may have noticed some changes here at fortheloveofbeef.  There have been some makeovers and edits.  I have changed my About For The Love Of BEEF.  I have also been working on understanding Google Analytics, which is a program that tells you where the traffic comes from and what information they are searching for.

I started this makeover by accidentally finding a group on Facebook, mostly for Agriculture Bloggers called Blog Overhaul.  It has been really fun and I have met several great bloggers who share tips, secrets and suggest changes for my blog.  This overhaul is the product of the work of Judi Graff.  I am not sure why she wants to help a complete stranger like me or how she finds the time, but I am grateful.

This is a link to a blog written by Janice Person about Judi Graff and her blog.  These will be two excellent Agriculture Blogs you will love.  They are also two wonderful women helping me a complete stranger with my adventures in blogging.  Thank you both!

Janice Person with a big thank you to Judi Graff 

1 comment:

  1. You are very welcome. Your blog is really coming together.
    I help farm bloggers because I am one. And want to encourage fellow farmers to tell their stories. These stories are our grandchildren's heritage.
    Keep up the great work.
