Monday, March 11, 2013

Our Ohio - Cattle Caretakers, Wolfingers

If you didn't get your Our Ohio Magazine in your mailbox today, you should wait a day and if you still don't get, you should become a member of the Ohio Farm Bureau.

I received a phone call a couple months ago about being featured in the Our Ohio Magizine.  I like the adventure of the interview for these kinds of articles.  I think it is a challenge to be asked these types of questions that make you think about your family, cows and what we are doing to feed the world.  I won't lie, sometimes these questions change the way I think.  It really fills the gap from not being in the classroom with thought provoking high school students in an Agriculture Education Laboratory.

This particular article was written more from the foodie side, than the production agriculture side.  This was a first for me.  Usually when we talk cattle we use words like weaning, bulls, Stabilzers, and EPD's without blinking.  This interview took several different turns. Marilou Suszko is a great writer and asked many questions, from a different view point.

We discussed the marketing of our beef.  She told me how she usually interviews smaller producers, many of which market through farmers markets or more direct marketing opportunities.  Although Jake and I like that beef producers provide many options for consumers to purchase beef, as beef producers we also provide a variety of types of beef.  We think that awesome.  Jake and I are not niche marketers of beef. We raise grain finished beef at 4+Feeders and we sell calves in Ohio that are weaned without grain to be finished anyway the purchasers want.  However what we are most proud of is raising beef that is sold through large grocery chains that are open 24 hours a day for all of my favorite hard working and tax paying Americans.  Thanks for purchasing, correctly cooking and feeding our beef to your friends and families.

If you would like to read the article you can find it here.
Our Ohio - Cattle Caretakers, Wolfingers

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